
Welcome to Lunacy, an Alliance guild on the Ysera server

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Hello Luncay

Started by Oobiedoo, December 16, 2008, 04:35:56 PM

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heya folks,

Just finished apping to the guild and thought I'd say hey! I'm an elemental shaman, and saw that you had posted about possibly looking for one. That was a week ago, but I figured I'd give it a shot anyway!

I've been playing a shaman since release (although not alliance until about 10 months ago). When I made the switch to alliance I also made the switch to elemental from resto(as all raiding shaman were before TBC) and I've never looked back...

I've apped to Lunacy because while my current guild is full of great and friendly people, most are semi-casual and as such it's taking an inordinate amount of time to get everyone up to speed for raiding, and as experience dictates even once they start up raiding again it will be god awful slow, full of stupid mistakes and only 2 nights a week. In the long run that is just going to bore me to tears, so I'm currently looking for a group that's more active.

Thanks for reading my novel hehe, feel free to /wave in game =)


shoot lol spelled your guild name wrong and theres no edit button!