
Welcome to Lunacy, an Alliance guild on the Ysera server

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Started by Nuadha, August 10, 2008, 05:37:39 PM

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Hey Everyone,

My name's Nuadha and I've been a raider for quite some time now starting with MC--->TK/SSC.  My druid is spec'd for feral with my main gear and spec for tanking.  I have some really good dps gear as well, but it's not as on par as the tanking gear due to limitations placed on me by my last guild master's opinion of loot.  I'm apping for some sort of melee spot whether it's OT or melee dps.  I really enjoy playing this game and after taking a break from raiding, I'd like to get back into it full force.  If you have any questions for me, I'd be happy to answer them to the best of my ability and look forward to the possibility of raiding with you guys.



The application link is located on the left side of the main page.



Yep I filled one out before I made this post.


Yea Xaeq she/he was just saying Hi geez


nuadha, ping me in game bro