C Team - Ysera

Public => General Chat => Topic started by: Tammuz on October 01, 2007, 12:24:12 AM

Title: Hey guy!
Post by: Tammuz on October 01, 2007, 12:24:12 AM
Whats going in everyone? How are you all doing?

I'm having a great day thanks for asking.

Well, my name is Tammuz and I am an Ice Mage, I like to call it DOA spec, slow them down, crit them big, Dead on Arrival for looting.  I am looking for a progressive guild.  I was in Ruthless raiding, Kara and doing Gruul's Lair, we were going on to the Eye and Mag's when things slowed down.  I am not looking for a permanent off the bat raiding spot thats presumptuous but I am looking to prove my self to this guild so that I can earn one.

I am a steady player who was an officer on Lothar before I moved my toon over here to Ysera.  I left Lothar for Ruthlesss Guild for raiding, but like i said things have slowed down, so Dredrock recoomened this guild as having an excellent progression so I would like to introduce myseldf and say Hello!

so "Hello! Lunacy and I look forward to the chance to raid with you all sometime soon!"

Take Care,